CL3DR Remaster Update Prototype Version

The Prototype Version of Creepypasta Land 3D Remake Remaster has been added to the Package to be available to download

-Better Graphics

-Expended story

-Full Day 1 and early Scene of Day 2

-New Sprites

-First Person& Third Person Mode

-Custom names are working

-New creepypasta creatures

-There are a few gore death scenes

-Added the Pursuer, unique type of enemy character

-Added a Health Meter for some scenes

-The Mother, in Day 1, can permanently dies depending on one awful decision of the player

-Added a Nemesis Meter (only as UI, not intended to work right now)

-Made the Nightmare of Day 1, actually interesting and challenging (don't worry, it's less RNG than the original 3D Remake, make sure to actually play in 60fps, and not 144fps)

If there is any bugs, tell me, see you next time for the Day 2 Update of Creepypasta Land 3D Remake Remaster

Get Creepypasta Land 3D Remake


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Finally, it look great